Saturday, August 25, 2012


My heart has been sad these past few weeks. My girls have also been sad so I've been giving lots of hugs.  I'm in the middle of reading Laura Bush's Memoir, "Spoken From the Heart".  I've always admired her. I just finished reading about her experiences concerning September 11, 2001.  She was asked to appear on all the major morning television shows. She writes,"What could I think of to offer words of comfort, both to parents for their children and for the nation at large." To the youngest children, she wrote, "When sad or frightening things happen, all of us have an opportunity to become better people by thinking about others. . . . Be kind to each other, take care of each other, and show your love for each other."

That is what Laura Bush saw, in the footage showing the faces of rescue workers at the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, in the eyes of the burned and injured Pentagon soldiers at Walter Reed and Washington Hospital Center, in the people who brought food to grieving neighbors and those who simply sat and grieved with them.  She could feel us joined together as a nation.
I feel that way as a community since we have lost a wonderful teacher.  Mr. Z would want us to reach out and be kind and to show our love for each other.  I am so grateful that my girls had the opportunity to feel his love.  We will never forget him.