Wednesday, February 22, 2012
New York
When Sister Curtis was a young woman and lived back east, she became a Catholic Nun. Sometime years later, while she was visiting family, she found out her brother was taking lessons from the Mormon missionaries. When she went back to the convent, she prayed all night long that her brother would see the light. Later her brother gave her a Book of Mormon, but at first she didn't want to have anything to do with it. She finally started reading the book and that's when she wanted to meet the missionaries at her parent's house. Needless to say, they were very excited to teach her and later she was baptized.
Sister Curits moved to Salt Lake City, Utah where she was lined up with Marvin Curtis a widower. He had seven grown children and one teenage foster son. They got married and were later called to preside over the Rochester, New York mission.
While serving as a missionary, I looked forward to Zone Conferences every month. President Curtis always had braces on his legs and walked with special elbow crutches. As a boy he contracted polio but went on to be a successful businessman and loving husband and father. He even lined me up after my mission, but I wasn't very interested in the young man from Texas.
I always felt loved by President and Sister Curtis. They were a wonderful couple.