Jessie was born on an Easter Sunday right after the first session of General Conference. In fact Doctor Gammet came into the room to watch the last thirty minutes of conference while I was crying my eyes out. Not because of pain, it was the beautiful song the Tabernacle Choir was singing. My hormones were all out of whack and I couldn't stop crying. After the prayer the doctor said, "Lets push this baby out"! Jes came an hour later.
Her birth was a little scary because I didn't hear her cry at first. After a good smack on the buttocks I knew she had vocal chords but they still rushed her off. The nurses did the same with Jac when he was born so I panicked. The nurse came back informing me that she was fine they just needed to do more test concerning her blood. Apparently my blood started attacking hers during the birthing process.
GW took her to the hospital twice a day for one week to have her blood tested. In a short period of time Jes recovered and grew into the cutest baby you ever saw.
When Jessie was little she loved to smile and pull faces at people who sat behind us in church. I don't remember her crying very often unless she had an ear infection.
When she was two she got a big plastic ball for her birthday. When we gave it to her she started dribbling the ball for a long time. My mom was so impressed that a two year old could dribble a ball so well. When Jessie turned four her brother got a basketball for his birthday and she went to town dribbling that ball as well only outside. Again, my mom was so amazed of her talent that I'm glad we got it on video.
First birthday party with neighborhood friends.
As Jessie got older we signed her up for soccer and she played a great goalie.
I also signed her up with the BYU Childrens Creative Dance Department when she turned five. She really seemed to enjoy it so she stayed with the organization until she was thirteen.
During her thirteenth year we almost lost our Jessie. Once again we really had to rely on our Heavenly Father to get us through a stressful time. Jessie had a very serious ruptured appendix where the infection had spread throughout her body. The surgery was much longer then what we were told it would be. After about four months of frail health and being home schooled she was able to recover from the danger zone, we were very grateful. She still has complications due to scar tissue but thanks to modern medicine we are able to stay on top of the situation.
Music is probably one of her favorite things. It's nice hearing her sing around the house and playing beautiful songs on the piano.
We are so blessed to have her in our family.
Happy Birthday Jess!