Monday, October 7, 2013

Sister Florida

I had a wonderful, difficult week. How about you!?
Pre-conference we had a wonderful experience! After District meeting, we went onto UF campus and invited almost everyone we could see to conference! I say ALMOST everyone because there were so many people that all 10 missionaries in our district couldn't get all of them. Plus, some of them were in a super hurry. Elder Gao was having a ball because there were so many Chinese people. During that 2 1/2 hour blitz, there were two Other Lessons taught, two new investigators, several Potential Investigators who set up appointments to meet with the YSA missionaries, and about 10+ people who said they would go to one of the sessions of conference at the Institute Building! It was Super FUN! Then we ate Chinese together as a district for dinner. It was our last District meeting this transfer :( Next Monday is Transfer Calls so that means next week ya'll be getting this email on Tuesday. 
Ate some gator tail this week. Also ate with it, something called a Monte Cristo. I think I mentioned it some time ago, but it is basically a ham sandwich that's been deep fat fried. You put jam on it. Also had corn nuggets - which is the creamed corn that's also deep fat fried. It was good. I kept thinking as I was eating it that Jake would like this.

Conference was AMAZING!!!! I LOVED IT! Sister Shelley and I took at least three questions each to it and all of them were answered! The first session we watched with our investigator Mrs. S at her house. She has cable and has BYUtv. Her favorite talk was President Uchdorf's talk because one of her questions was answered during it. There were a lot of questions and answers during that talk! My favorite part of the first session was the very beginning. When President Monson spoke. After his short welcome Mrs. S said that she 'felt something powerful' when he spoke. Even though he only spoke a minute or two during the first session, she know's he's a prophet!

The rest of the sessions we watched at the Church. For some reason, we watched the ASL version of it. The 5th ward was in charge of setting everything up, but no one was there that was deaf. There was a guy who tried to fix it, but he didn't know what he was doing and really just turned off the projector for a couple of minutes during a song. I don't know why he was messing with the projector. The feed came through the laptop. Anyway. It was interesting to watch. Especially during the songs. I forgot how much facial expression goes into Sign! The guy who was translating the "!" talk was getting really excited. I wonder, was Mr. Bond one of the translators? I don't think I've ever seen a picture of him so I don't know.
The Elders also were only able to get one investigators to one of the sessions. The Priesthood session was right after the Gator game, and they hadn't taught their Gator about the Word of Wisdom yet. He came a little buzzed, but he came.
I think my favorite talk was Elder Ballard's talk. If not for the soul fact that he was quoting and teaching from "the Power of the Everyday Missionary"! My testimony of the little, everyday things was also strengthened. Also on home and visiting teaching. There are a lot of issues down here that I won't get into that could easily be solved if home teaching was done. My favorite Session was the Sunday Morning session. I know what President Monson meant by saying that it was one of the most inspired sessions ever!
I love ya'll! write me and tell me how conference went for you!
~Sister Carlson
P.S. I was very shocked when I saw the new picture of the family. Jake! You shaved off your hair! It doesn't look all that bad, but still! I need warning! Goodness. Don't go letting Jessie and Julie do the same thing.