Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Memoir from Me

I really liked this comment from a blog I read today. It is from a mom named Andrea.
I think wanting to ordain women is the most anti-feminist, anti-women stance I've ever heard in my life. It negates all the doctrine about how incredible and powerful and complete women are. It implies that Eve was lesser somehow than Adam or that Emma was lesser than Joseph because they didn't hold a certain type of priesthood. Ridiculous. We are all endowed with priesthood power in the temple and have equal access to all privileges and blessings. The family is the nucleus of the church--not the other way around.

I'm tired of women telling me that I'm lesser because I don't have the priesthood. Phooey. I'm also tired of women acting like priesthood responsibilities somehow define service in the world. Again, phooey. I'm also tired of women apologizing for motherhood as though it only applies to women with children. Eve was the mother of all living before she was capable of having children. Motherhood defines our natures--not our callings.

Can we please get past the view of equality as sameness and really claim the power we have as women now and always have. Eve had the same saving power as Adam--without holding the same callings in the priesthood. That hasn't changed. Our inability to grasp our own amazingness is sad.

Another inspiring comment from a mom named Melissa.

I grew up in a small-part member family and in the south, no less where I was the one who usually held the different beliefs than everyone else, so I totally believe in being respectful of other's beliefs. I had to learn to stand up for the church when I was the only one and it isn't easy. So I don't want to sound judgmental at all, but I do wish to express why I feel differently on this issue.

I believe as women we are born with intuition, an inclination to nurture, and a tenderness that is different to that of our brothers. As women we bear and raise our own and even other's children. We are usually the ones to take care of aged parents. We take meals to neighbors, write a letter or card, remember birthdays, and cry or mourn with those that mourn. I believe these are strengths! To build and support one another is one of the things our Father in Heaven loves about us and needs from us!

I believe that the priesthood is given to MEN as THEIR opportunity to serve. They can't use the priesthood on themselves- only to bless others and we all are entitled to the blessings! I don't think that men having the priesthood makes us unequal to them. I believe without the priesthood, they would be UNEQUAL to us. :)

We naturally serve and sometimes the men need the nudge. Our Heavenly Father gave them the priesthood as a responsibility.

I don't need the priesthood because I know my role is divine just how it is and honestly I could use a little less responsibility on my plate (not more) if ya know what I mean! :)

Lots of love from one sister to another. <3

A comment by Gina.
My four-year-old daughter routinely complains, "That's not enough!" when I pour her cereal in the mornings. I usually respond by saying, "When you have finished that, then you can have more." And she almost never finishes what I first give her. That's kind of how I see the OW movement. Are we complaining that we don't have enough, rather than thanking God for what we do have? Have we reached our potential so quickly that we can no longer develop the gifts we already have? Have we run out of ways to serve? I personally see this public quest for so-called equality as an unfortunate distraction from pressing work in our homes and communities; work that will keep us together as families and communities. We have been given so many opportunities as women, both in the church and out of the church. Just think about the opportunities we have for education, employment, public service, financial independence (and the list goes on), when there are women in some countries who are not even allowed to go to school or drive a car. Let's use our opportunities to influence the world for good, instead of trying to convince the world that we have it so hard.