Friday, August 7, 2015

Twas the week before Christmas,
and all through the city
every creature was scurrying
especially missionaries!
Check that out! I just made that up on the spot! One of the senior missionaries read a spoof of "How the Grinch Stole Christmas" - missionary style - that she had written to all of us at our Christmas party. You could hear the audible gasp of breath when she described the "Grouch" breaking into missionary apartments and erasing their white boards! Our Mission-wide Christmas Party was Thursday. It was so good to see everyone!!! Just warmed the cockles of my heart :). Everyone got to the Orange Park Stake Center about 2pm (we had to be there early because Sister Heckel was in the Christmas Devotional) and I got to hug just about every sister who came through the door. The party consisted of four major events: the talent show, dinner, the Devotional, and the distribution of presents. The talent show was... interesting. I think Sister Craig was going to pass out when Elders started doing back flips off the stage. There were hand standing contests, push up contests (which President Craig won), missionary jokes, singing, and snowman dancing. The Assistants tried to do a Gladys Knight impression of "I am a Child of God" (remember right before I came out there was a Gladys Knight concert that missionaries tried to get investigators to). My favorite was my former GV ZL's doing the first lesson in one minute in rap. I liked this one so much because I remember role-playing with them doing the pamphlet lessons under three minutes. They had a really hard time getting all they wanted to say in a short amount of time. It's great to see people progress!
I'd like y'all to know that I've discovered something called "The Forgotten Carols". Sister Martinez and the other two Normandy Sisters love listening to it, and now so do I! Several people sung songs from it in the Devotional. This particular song didn't get sung, but while President was talking about volunteering at the homeless shelter in SLC the "Homeless" song was on repeat in my mind :). I'm so glad I was introduced to them before the Devotional. I had a much better time appreciating the songs!
The JAX West Stake got presents for the missionaries in their stake! I got a nice bracelet, a Christmas CD and some soap. I also got the packages you sent me!! Oh my goodness, hit the spot! Sister Martinez was very grateful for the yummies :)

I LOVED your letters!!!!!!!!!! How come this doesn't happen more often? It was VERY good to hear from y'all. Especially to see all the different perspectives of Jessie eating sushi. If you're going on a mission Jess, you'll have to get over that soon! I've had to eat lots of baked goods with fruit in them (something I think of as an abomination, but I swallow it because members make it!)
Those tights actually came at the best time because... I had ruined Sister Crowton's tights. You see, I fell of my bike. The Lord was so nice to me! Everything that was covered hit asphalt, but my face landed nicely in a pillow of grass. Everything but the tights were ok, but the tights were sent to the Celestial Kingdom - as they were made holy. Sister Orton got hit by a car though! She's ok. I actually incurred more damage falling off the thing than she did getting hit. 
We haven't set up a time to do skype yet with y'all, but I imagine it will be similar to last time. We're eating with the Robisons Christmas morning so it could happen then, or after lunch when we eat with the Nhievs (the cambodian family). So it could really happen anytime... Sorry! We'll get it pounded out this week.
Funny note: we were calling this older lady who's a member of our ward to confirm our dinner appointment and she answered the phone by saying, "Praise the Lord! How may I help you today?" I think she must answer the phone like that every time because she can't see very well, so she never knows who is calling.
A less active family that we've been working with are coming back to church!! I've been a little frustrated this week because our numbers with Gators are really low, while our numbers with LARCs and actives are through the roof. At least we have something to show for it. I know that no effort is wasted, but at the same time, we need to use our time effectively. Good, Better, Best and all that. Seeing members is great, but it doesn't always make the best cake. Statistically the more people you talk to, the more people you'll find. I guess I feel frustrated that we just haven't been talking with too many people. I try not to get frustrated if we talk to as many people as we can and we don't find anyone, because I'm doing my best. I'll figure things out eventually. Life is good :) Crazy, but good. Sometimes I take a step back and laugh! The Lord must trust me! I'm liking my new Ward more and more.
Anyway. I can't think of much else. I think of things to tell y'all during the week, then forget them cause I don't write them down. Do you want to write and ask any questions you want to know the answers to when I see y'all on Skype? President only wants it to be between 30-40 minutes long. That way I can think of some things to tell you about before hand.
Love y'all!
~Sister Carlson