Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Sister San Diego

Again my friends, welcome.
I understand this might be quite the contrast from my last week's
email, but ALL WILL BE WELL!
Mental Illness.
It's just been the theme for these past few days of my mission.
But before I dive into that topic...
The work here is still progressing. Onward we go! P(investigator
from Turkey) in our last appointment closed with a prayer and as she
concluded, looked up with a smile to say "I want my little girl to be
just you 3 when she grows up!!!" My heart exploded. To top it off, she
mentioned how in one of her classes, she had invited her fellow
students to be baptized.

"Are you baptized?"
"Why not?"
"not too sure.."
"You should get baptized"
"... Hm well okay!"
We love P.
I also decided to pull a Sisters Wilson and E moment a few days ago. I
came to the realization Sunday evening that we had nearly reached the
Standard of Excellence. The only thing that was missing? Setting just
one more person on date for baptism. AND SO! We texted our Korean
investigator, K, to ask if he would prepare himself to be baptized
on October 22nd.
"Of course! Tell me how I can prepare for baptism in our meeting tomorrow."
We love K.
One more miracle that leads nicely into our topic of the week.
Now. Think of this. Poway. One of my favorite places. Sister Whitcomb.
One of my favorite people. What do you get when you put the two
together? A VERY excited Sister Carlson. I could hardly SLEEP the
night before. As we walked up to the old granny flat behind the
Romero's home, my heart soared. Comin' home. The flying in my chest
continued as my dearest friend, Sister Whitcomb and I locked eyes to
share with the other our testimonies of the Restored Church. Many a
tear was shed. The day was spent crying, laughing, and listening. All
3 commenced at our last appointment of the day. We were surprised to
find ourselves desperately calling upon the powers of heaven for a
return missionary that had nearly lost her life the year prior. As we
searched her eyes, no hope was found. I will never forget the image of
Sister Whitcomb pouring out her entire soul to this crushed
individual. I saw The Savior then. Reaching, praying, pleading. Like a
broken vessel.. We all may be.
I love the Lord and the strength and encouragement he gave me this
week. Especially the strength I found while he worked his great
majesty though Sarah Jane Whitcomb. She doesn't know this, but I
needed that exchange more than anything, especially to get me through
the next few days.
Our investigator struggling with depression and anxiety. Studying to
be a doctor at UCSD. As we met with her yesterday, I again found
myself searching, finding, praying, and pleading. It was as if life
repeated itself but this time, the rolls were switched. I was in
Sister Whitcomb's seat and heaven was now working through me. A
couldn't see how anyone could love her let alone God.
I now want you all to know that YOU. ARE. LOVED. Your value is
determined by God and it's infinite. It doesn't go up. It doesn't go
down. It is ETERNAL.
A trail isn't really a trial unless it's unfair.
I know that if you were the only person to have ever lived on this
earth, the savior would still have come to perform the atonement, just
for you. We are ALL broken to one degree or another. BUT HEAVEN IS
CHEERING YOU ON! God wants you to be happy, to find joy. That's why he
exists! Please, don't forget about him, his son, and don't you forget
who you really are.
If anything know that I love you.
-Sister Carlson