Hey everyone!
I realize that my first letter was kind of short, but they really didn't give us a lot of time. There isn't enough time in here to eat with all of the meetings/classes we have! I got all of your letters and picked up the Giles package this morning. Thanks everyone for all the love! I miss everyone a lot.
The people in my district are amazing! The first day when I walked in, I felt like I recognized about half of the people even though I've never met them before. It's a really cool experience.
So life in the MTC is busy. Wake up in the morning at 6 to shower, get ready, and go to breakfast. Bunch of activities/classes/zone practice/TCR (practicing with people that are acting as investigators - tell Jenny G. that that is HUGE in here) and basically studying so much that your brains want to melt. I feel so tired during the day that I was surprised that the first couple of days I couldn't get to sleep! Sister Orton (Sister Major's companion and friend of Dani Halladay) is such a sweetheart, but she snores a little loudly. My companion Sister Ashcraft gave everyone ear plugs so I've been getting to sleep a lot easier now. During Gym time we usually play volleyball with another district that is going to Italy Milan. They are really fun to play with. Last week Elder Perry rolled his ankle in gym and it swelled up so big! That night our branch president visited and gave him a blessing and he's totally fine now! pretty much a miracle! The food is really good, though I am never eating ice cream again. I got the biggest tummy ache yesterday when they served BYU creamery stuff because new missionaries had come. I'll just have doughnuts from now on.
I love all of our teachers here! They are so cool! Brother Schwanavelt teaches in the mornings typically and also role plays an investigator named Craig that Sister Ashcraft and I teach (he's my favorite teacher because I feel like I learn a lot from him and feel a lot less stressed about teaching). Brother Jensen (who the Sister Major wants him to go out with her older sister) is really nice and spiritual, but I usually feel a lot more stressed after his classes. The people that we taught for TCR recently was this Korean girl named Kiung Min and is really sweet. I didn't think our last lesson went that well though. It kind of felt like a primary lesson... yesterday Sister Griffin had to meet all the new missionaries because she's the Coordinating Sister for our zone so we made a threesome with her companion Sister Pettingill and taught her TCR progressing investigator (high schooler Rachel) as well as K-min. The lesson went really well I thought - my personal goal was that I could feel the spirit during lessons and this one I did. :)
Tuesday's devotional was given by Elder Paul V. Johnson of the Seventy. We had to wait in this crowded hallway for an hour and a half to be let into the devotional. Sister Ashcraft and I wanted to sing in the choir, and we went 35 min before it started and all the seats were STILL filled up so we had to wait in the hallway. :( They have to do a huge security check before Elder Johnson came so that's why they didn't let anyone in until about ten minutes before it started. The talk was nice. It was about obedience. I don't think it was really worth the hour and a half wait in that hot hallway though.
We got our travel plans! We are all leaving for Jacksonville at 3 in the morning with a one hour layover in Dallas Texas, where Sister Griffin is from on American Airlines! I'm so excited to be on a plane! Hopefully I don't get motion sickness.
To answer Julie's question about what book she should read... Elantris? Now that I'm gone from my bookshelf I cant remember what she's read and not read... I love the Dear Elder.com thing (cause they give them to you the same day) and I really love when Julie writes me! Thanks Dad for all the letters! I really love hearing from everyone. Tell Jessie to write me! There's not enough time in the day to even think (being a 16 hour work day) so I can't guarantee that I can write back before we get to Jacksonville and have my second P-day, but I'll try to write letters during personal study time or something!
I miss you guys and I think about you all the time!
P.S. am I supposed to sign these things as Sister Carlson? It's not in the missionary handbook I don't think...